Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that can change behavior, movement, feelings, and state of consciousness. Epilepsy is characterized by having two or more seizures at least 24 hours apart that aren’t brought on by any identifiable cause. Most seizures last from 30 seconds to two minutes.

Seizures can be caused by a stroke, head injury, or infections like meningitis, but often the causes are unknown. Research has found that epilepsy may develop because of an abnormality in brain wiring, an imbalance of nerve signaling chemicals called neurotransmitters, or some combination of these factors. We offer EEGs and brain scans, which are common diagnostic tests for epilepsy. 

For some people, the seizures can eventually decrease in severity or disappear completely. There are different types of seizures and many different causes of epilepsy. Thus, a combination of different treatments methods may be needed to fully treat the condition, and reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures over time.


Epilepsy can cause

  • Convulsions

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Muscle spasms

  • Strange sensations, emotions, and behavior

  • Temporary confusion

  • Uncontrollable jerking movements of arms and legs


Epilepsy Treatment at Brain Resource Center

Neurofeedback therapy has been used to successfully treat epilepsy since the 1970s. Extensive research has shown its ability to decrease abnormal electrical activity in the brain that triggers seizure activity, and promote electrical activity that can normalize the brain and reduce seizure incidence.

In patients with epilepsy, there are characteristically low levels of sensorimotor rhythm (SMR). The brain can be trained to increase SMR wave activity through SMR neurofeedback training. Through neurofeedback, your brain is trained to self-regulate SMR. Neurofeedback can also help raise a person’s seizure threshold, which means seizure incidence and severity will be reduced. Neurofeedback can also treat cognitive issues related to epilepsy such as memory difficulties, brain fog, and attention deficits.

How does Neurofeedback work?

  • Brain map New York City

    1. Brain map

    Brainwave assessment identifies imbalances and helps to create a personalized treatment plan.

  • Neurofeedback setup

    2. Treatment setup

    Non-invasive sensors and headphones are placed on your head and the treatment session begins.

  • Brain training

    3. Brain activation

    Software translates your brainwave data and stops or starts audio/visual media based on your brain activity.

  • nyc neurofeedback

    4. Conditioning

    In response to the audio/visual feedback, your brain adapts and learns to regulate your brainwaves and build new, healthy neural pathways.

  • optimal brain nyc

    5. Brain Training

    Over time with continuous brain training, healthy brain activity in target regions increases, and symptom-associated activity decreases.

Related Research

Neurofeedback treatment of epilepsy. Click Here

Meta-analysis of EEG biofeedback in treating epilepsy. Click Here

Power spectral frequency and coherence abnormalities in patients with intractable epilepsy and their usefulness in long-term remediation of seizures using neurofeedback. Click Here